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They Only

 Grow Up


Caring for the nutritional wellness of moms and babies is a passion built up from wanting to be that  loving helping hand that all parents need throughout their parenthood journey. This site is dedicated to sharing essential tips about healthy eating, pregnancy nutrition, breastfeeding, weaning and feeding your baby or toddler. I'll love to help you give your baby a 'nutritious' head start in life because,
they only grow up once.

A Mother's Love

Sylvia Kang nutritionist and breastfeeding specialist

Sylvia is a dedicated mom of 3 healthy breastfed babies, a passionate nutritionist, a certified breastfeeding specialist and a cookbook author. 
She has more than 12 years of experience educating and supporting parents with nutrition.

Come back often to checkout tips, reviews, ideas and essential know-hows to help you with Nutrition, Breastfeeding and cooking healthy meals.

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I am happy to help you with questions on breastfeeding, maternal and baby nutrition.


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& Toddlers

- They Only Grow Up Once -

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©Mother's Love Nutrition Consultancy 2018

The information presented in this site should not be used as a substitute for medical care or advice from your healthcare practitioner. 

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